
December 2008 Newsletter

Christmas is nearly upon us, the streets are full of shoppers doing last minute shopping - I must confess I haven't even started my gift shopping!! Only two weeks of yoga classes left for 2008. Last class is on Wednesday December 17th (UEA students Wednesday 1oth). Escape the mayhem and revitalise with a yoga class!!

Monday 7:30-8:45pm Inner Space
Tuesday 12:30-1:30pm The Complementary Health Care Clinic
Wednesday 9:30-11:00am Old Catton Church Hall, 12:30-1:30 The Yoga Room
Thursday 5:00-6:00pm The Complementary Health Care Clinic

2009 Classes commence Wednesday January 7th

Over the last few weeks we have been practicing breath awareness and some simple pranayama techniques. However when we apply these techniques with sensitivity and awareness the effects on the mind, body and spirit are amplified. Having an understanding of the respiration process helps us to increase our sensitivity to breathing, not only on a physical level but on a more subtle level. Once we understand the subtleties of the respiration process we can start to understand the effects of pranayama:

  • Lie in savasana and take a few moments to become comfortable ensuring your spine is straight and your body relaxed.
  • Become aware of the area from your abdomen to your nose and feel this area as one unit.
  • Bring the awareness to your nose and feel the breath in your nostrils.
  • Feel the air and prana as it passes the tiny hairs in your nostils.
  • Feel the air in the sinus cavity behind the nose, take a moment to smell the air as you inhale.
  • Follow the path of air as it travels down the nasal passages to the larynx where the vocal chords are.
  • Follow the tube like structure down the chest behind the breastbone where this then branches into two, one pipe on the left one on the right - the bronchi.
  • The bronchi then split into smaller branches called bronchioles and clustered at the end are tiny air sacks called alveoli, intertwined with tiny blood vessels, this spongy tissue makes up the lungs.
  • Visualise the air and prana passing from the nose to the lungs where it is then absorbed by the body. Feel the air and prana filling every cell of your body. Oxgen enriched blood is taken to the heart which is then pumped around the body. Carbon dioxide, the waste product of our breath is passed to the lungs and is exhaled. Take a moment to visualise this exchange.
  • Become completely familiar with the flow of your breath and the respiration process.
  • Feel the oxygen and prana reaching from the deepest of body organs to the extremeties of your body, right into the tips of your fingers and toes. There is no part of the body that does not recieve this vitalising flow.
  • After a few moments bring your awareness back to your body, take a deep breath in and stretch your arms above your head, point your toes away from you stretching the whole of your body. Then take your time and slowly come up to a seated position.

You can do this technique at anytime whenever you have a few minutes to spare. You can even use this technique as a relaxation process before you go to bed.

The daily breathing process is automated and mecanical. Practicing the above technique helps us to become more aware of our breathing process in our every day life and helps us to breath more consciously and with better understanding. Happy breathing!!

I wish you all a very happy and peaceful time during the festive season!! I look forward to seeing you in the New Year

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.


November 2008 Newsletter

During the past week I have been talking about prana, and how we can activate, circulate and control prana using Asana and Pranayama (breathing techniques). Here are a few details on how prana travels around the body and a technique for you to practice Ujjaii breath:

Beyond the physical breath (oxygen & carbon dioxide) is prana. Prana is the universal vital energy that rides on the breath – our subtle life force.

Prana travels in channels called Nadis, a network of energy channels in the subtle body that takes prana to every cell in the body.

One of the challenges of yoga is to harness this energy to fuel our physical, mental and spiritual development. Hatha (the physical from of yoga) was created to cultivate, circulate and control prana; Asana helps cultivate and circulate prana and strengthen the nadis and Pranayama controls and cultivates and purifies the nadis.

Of the 72,000 nadis there are 3 main nadis; ida, pingala and sushumna. All originate at the base of the spine and run to the crown of the head. Sushumna nadi is the main energy channel that runs in a straight line from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Ida and pingala spiral up from the base of the spine to the crown at the head crossing seven times throughout Sushumna. Where these 3 main nadis cross is where the chakras (wheels of energy) reside.


Prana = energy, life force

Ayama = lengthen, extend

Ujjaii Pranayama = Victorious breath

Ujjaii is a full and complete breath and uses a gentle constriction of the back of the throat (glottis) to create a gentle echoing sound of the breath. The sound of the breath is used to focus and soothe the mind. Ujjaii breath is also used to give you strength in strenuous poses.


Start by inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth making a “Haaaaa” sound as if you were misting up a mirror. Feel the gentle constriction of the throat. “Haaaaa” the length of the breath is also extended.

Now try and keep the “Haaaaa” sound as you gently bring your lips together. You should notice the sound of the breath, Ujjaii is sometimes referred to as ‘Ocean Breath’ as it relates to the gentle rolling of the waves. Repeat the exhale through the nostrils with the gentle constriction of the back of the throat until you are comfortable.

Using the same gentle constriction at the back of the throat inhale. Notice the sound and length of the breath.

The breath should not be forced or rasping, keep the breath slow and gentle. Keep practicing and if you can continue with Ujjaii throughout your Asana practice, but don’t worry if you forget or find it a little strange at first, it will come more naturally with time.


Monday 7:30-8:45pm Inner Space

Tuesday 12:30-1:30 The Complementary Health Care Clinic

Wednesday 9:30-11:00 Old Catton Church Hall 12:30-1:30 The Yoga Room

Thurday 5:00-6:00pm The Complementary Health Care Clinic


October 2008 Newsletter

Hello Everyone

The Seasons are changing
Autumn has reached its peak now, the harvest is all gathered in. The days are getting shorter and Winter is almost upon us. We return once again to the reflective spiritual realms inside ourselves, for regeneration of the Spirit, rest, and contact with our inner wisdom....Review and assimilate what you have learned in the active phase of the year’s cycle. Prepare yourself for the new year ahead. Nurture your visions, dreams, ideas and direction, so that they may incubate in the dark winter months ready for when thhe active phase begins again. Glenny Kindred

I attended a wonderful workshop with Dina Cohen about the clocks turning back and the changing of seasons. I wanted to share the notion with you that Winter is not a bad thing. Animals hibernate, the leaves fall off the trees and the energy is drawn in to the core. It is time for us to slow down, after the activity of Summer, look within, and plant the seeds ready for regeneration in Spring.

New classes to Bliss Yoga Norwich
Exciting News!!! I am teaching in a new location in Norwich

The Complementary Health Care Clinic. It is located at 34 Exchange Street, Norwich on the upper floor. If you hold a multi class pass, you can also use it at one of my classes here.

Tuesday 12:30 - 1:30pm

Thursday 5:00 - 6:00pm

Saturday classes
My next Saturday class is 15 November 2008 10:30-12:00pm at the Yoga Room, 41a All Saints Green, Norwich. It would be wonderful to see you there.

A date for the diary
Only 7 weeks of Yoga left this year!
Scary, I know! My last Yoga class of 2008 will be on 17 December. Yoga classes for 2009 start on 7 January. It seems a long way off at the moment so dont worry I will remind you again nearer the time.

The end of an era
The Yoga Room will not be opening in 2009. However, no need to panic! Wednesday lunchtime classes will continue in a new Location. We will be moving to and sharing the space at Rapid Defence 113 Ber Street (just around the corner from The Yoga Room) . Unfortunately the Friday evening class will not continue in 2009, so why not take the opportunity while you can to soak up Friday evening yoga - what a fabulous way to start the weekend!

Watch this space for further developments.


Newsletter 15 October 2008

Hello Everyone

Welcome to the Bliss Yoga Norwich Newsletter!

Firstly I would like to thank you all for your support or enquiries. As a small gesture please follow this link to download a FREE Relaxation CD

Beat the winter blues with TWISTS Saturday 18 October at The Yoga Room. 10:30 – 12:00 Squeeze, stretch and revitalise.

Why not start the weekend with Friday at The Yoga Room 6-7:15 .

Also why not try one of my new Classes?

Monday 7:30-8:45 & Thursday 12:30 – 1:30at Inner Space

For more information on me and my class schedule visit

Love and Shanti
