
November 2008 Newsletter

During the past week I have been talking about prana, and how we can activate, circulate and control prana using Asana and Pranayama (breathing techniques). Here are a few details on how prana travels around the body and a technique for you to practice Ujjaii breath:

Beyond the physical breath (oxygen & carbon dioxide) is prana. Prana is the universal vital energy that rides on the breath – our subtle life force.

Prana travels in channels called Nadis, a network of energy channels in the subtle body that takes prana to every cell in the body.

One of the challenges of yoga is to harness this energy to fuel our physical, mental and spiritual development. Hatha (the physical from of yoga) was created to cultivate, circulate and control prana; Asana helps cultivate and circulate prana and strengthen the nadis and Pranayama controls and cultivates and purifies the nadis.

Of the 72,000 nadis there are 3 main nadis; ida, pingala and sushumna. All originate at the base of the spine and run to the crown of the head. Sushumna nadi is the main energy channel that runs in a straight line from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Ida and pingala spiral up from the base of the spine to the crown at the head crossing seven times throughout Sushumna. Where these 3 main nadis cross is where the chakras (wheels of energy) reside.


Prana = energy, life force

Ayama = lengthen, extend

Ujjaii Pranayama = Victorious breath

Ujjaii is a full and complete breath and uses a gentle constriction of the back of the throat (glottis) to create a gentle echoing sound of the breath. The sound of the breath is used to focus and soothe the mind. Ujjaii breath is also used to give you strength in strenuous poses.


Start by inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth making a “Haaaaa” sound as if you were misting up a mirror. Feel the gentle constriction of the throat. “Haaaaa” the length of the breath is also extended.

Now try and keep the “Haaaaa” sound as you gently bring your lips together. You should notice the sound of the breath, Ujjaii is sometimes referred to as ‘Ocean Breath’ as it relates to the gentle rolling of the waves. Repeat the exhale through the nostrils with the gentle constriction of the back of the throat until you are comfortable.

Using the same gentle constriction at the back of the throat inhale. Notice the sound and length of the breath.

The breath should not be forced or rasping, keep the breath slow and gentle. Keep practicing and if you can continue with Ujjaii throughout your Asana practice, but don’t worry if you forget or find it a little strange at first, it will come more naturally with time.


Monday 7:30-8:45pm Inner Space

Tuesday 12:30-1:30 The Complementary Health Care Clinic

Wednesday 9:30-11:00 Old Catton Church Hall 12:30-1:30 The Yoga Room

Thurday 5:00-6:00pm The Complementary Health Care Clinic