
Pause for thought Dec 2012

Finding Space During Christmas
Tis the season to be Jolly!  For some though it can be a time of stress, worry and anxiety as we tend to rush around preparing for Christmas. Wrapping paper, buying food, presents, decorations, cards and lets not forget the tree!!  Christmas day for some is the tearing open of presents, forgetting who they are from instantly, hot sticky kitchens and arguments between family!  It of course does not need to be that way.
Take time to be in the moment.  Firstly I would like to suggest appreciating the season.  One (if you look at nature) of rest and restoration.  A time to conserve energy ready for the burst of Spring.  We as a family have been enjoying the fresh sprinkling of frost.  Wrapping up warm and heading out in our boots to hear the crunch under our feet as we venture out into nature to see where Jack Frost has been.  Oh what fun!

Perhaps take time to think about your Sankalpha, or your intention for next year.  Perhaps a wiser choice than to lose those extra pounds put on following the excesses of Christmas??  Having recently moved house there is no room for indulgence, just simple pleasures.  Asking Aylah what she wants from Father Christmas she replies simply a “Yo yo for me and a toy train for my baby” (a baby brother or sister due May)  how sweet and so simple.  This year will be a time for us to really appreciate our Christmas celebrations with Aylah before she is joined by her sibling, and what fun I am sure next year will bring. 

Let us take a look at Patanjali’s Eight fold path of Yoga and in particular the first two steps the Yamas and Niyamas.  Yamas are guidelines to Social Discipline and the Niyamas are guidelines to Individual Discipline.
1-      Ahimsa – non violence to self and others
2-      Satya  - truth. Being true to self in words and actions (however see Yama 1)
3-      Asteya – Non stealing
4-      Brahmacarya – Sexual responsibility
5-      Aparigraha – Abstention from greed

1-      Sauca – cleanliness
2-      Santosa – Contentment
3-      Tapas – Austerity, commitment to your yoga practice
4-      Svadhyaya – self study
5-      Ishvara Pranidhana – Surrender to the Supreme Soul

During the Christmas Season let us particularly remember Ahimsa - we can really apply this when our family gatherings have the potential to be a little fraught.  Let the moment pass; Aparigraha - Christmas can be a time of over indulgence, remember the balance of moderation; and Santosa – being content with the gifts that you receive

For further reading on the Eight fold path click here

Also take a look at this easy visual guide

Christmas is a time of love, for some the love of the birth of Jesus and for others love for those we share our lives with, family and friends.  Let us give thanks for the many riches that we have – even if we need to ‘pull our belts in’ this year there are many that find Christmas difficult, financially and emotionally.  Let us take time to be grateful for not just the riches of a warm safe home but also of the love and the joy that we are able to share with others.

So when you are buzzing around preparing for Christmas take time to pause.  Enjoy your breath and take time to find the space and the joy between breaths.  ‘tis the season to be jolly’ after all.

Why not take time to find that space during our end of year wind down, relaxation classes and Yoga Nidra Wednesday 12 December at Old Catton Church Hall 9:30am and Monday 10 and 17 December at Inner Space 7:30pm

Thank you
At this time of gratitude and reflection of the year gone past, I would like to express my gratitude and thanks to you all.  I do feel so very blessed to have you in my life.  A special thank you to those that joined me at the Woodman in Catton four our now traditional Christmas gathering. It was so lovely to see you there.
There is still the Christmas tea gathering for the Inner Space crew at the Bicycle shop after class on Monday 17 December.

Active Baby Yoga
Hooray! Thank you to those that have shown interest in the Active Baby Yoga class.  This is to start Thursday 3pm.  This is a 6 week course for your more active baby.  Baby needs to be sitting strongly and moving around/crawling or walking.  We learn new songs to more active Yoga moves.  Classes include scarves, balls and noisy toys. A fabulous way to bond with your little person.  If you would like to join this course please message

Festive Season Schedule
Last Class
Catton Wednesday 12 December
Baby Yoga Thursday 13 December
Inner Space Monday 17 December
Pregnancy Wednesday 19 December

Classes in the New Year
All classes resume week commencing 7 January
InnerSpace Monday 7 January 7:30pm
Catton Wednesday 9 January 9:30am
Pregnancy Wednesday 9 January 6:30pm
Baby Yoga Thursday 10 January 1:30pm
Active Baby Yoga Thursday 10 January 3pm

Have a super safe and Joy filled Christmas.  See you on the mat. Much love xxx


Bliss Yoga November Newsletter

Hello beautiful people!  :0) xx

Well I have really noticed the dark nights drawing in since the clocks went back.  Autumn is well and truly here.  The leaves are falling, my brown bin is full every week now and it can be all too easy to fall into a dark slump of misery.  I feel that warm clothing is key.  I suffer terribly in the cold so even now have several layers, scarves and thick sock.  Helps make me feel all warm and fuzzy.  Practicing Yoga also helps me feel all warm and fuzzy.  I came across this lovely quote and although I have shared in class would like to share it again as I feel it is very apt for this time of year:

"People are like stain-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their beauty is revealed only if there is a light within." Elizabeth Kubler-Ross.

Remember that your inner light is always there, sometime a little duller than at other times however we can use Yoga to help cultivate and radiate this light.

We have been having fun in class cultivating our inner radiance by practicing Kapalabhati (literal translation  - shining skull)  Kapalabhati is a kriya technique or cleansing technique so great for cleansing lungs and airways.  It is also a heating practice which is always great to do this time of year.  Backbends and dynamic poses like chair have also featured in the last few weeks to again help our inner radiance shine, opening and radiating forwards from our heart.

This week has been a blast and we have been having fun with sharing our practice with one another.  Our practice is usually a more individual internal experience, we do not worry about an others practice around us, we listen to our body and our breath.  However I took inspiration from watching my daughter (3) playing at a friends house.  Poor little friend was having great difficulty in sharing his toys as most 3 year olds do.  It brought such joy to my heart to see my little girl see the distress of the boy and offer him a toy, and then offer another little girl a toy.  This little girl then mimicked the behaviour and gave the little boy and Aylah a toy.  Such beautiful sharing and such a lovely act of kindness.  We can learn so much from children and as I was so inspired thought it time to practice some partner Yoga so that we too may share, share our practice with one another.  Listen not only to our own body but to one another, breathe our breath but also see if we could comfortably synchronise our breath with our partners. It was great to see you all sharing and supporting one another but to also feel the joy and hear your laughs.

Along the same theme of random acts of kindness, if you have not seen the movie ‘Pay it forward’ I would recommend as it is a lovely movie where a young boy has a plan to change the world.  He does this my completing 3 random acts of kindness.  When the recipients thank him he does not ask for any payment in return only that they then carry out a random act of kindness, that they ‘Pay it forward’. 
As I could easily see from watching Aylah and her friends.  A random act of kindness can bring a smile to someones face.....and score you good Karma points while you are at it :0)

Although I nearly walked out of a store last week because they were playing Christmas songs already! I do need to be planning for classes over the Christmas break. I will of course send a further reminder nearer to the time but here are the dates for your diary.

The last class in December for:
Catton is 12 December
Baby Yoga is 13 December
Inner Space 17 December
Pregnancy 19 December

Classes will return in January the week commencing 7th.

The annual Christmas dinner for Catton students will take place after class on Wednesday 5 December at the Woodman pub as usual.  Time to be confirmed.  Partners welcome.  Usual format of choosing and paying for your own meal and the opportunity to share in one anothers company.

Inner space students are welcome to join me at the Bicycle shop after class on 17 December for a hot drink and chat.

There are few spaces left of the next Pregnancy Yoga course starting November 28 6:30pm on Silver Road.  Learn breathing techniques, birthing positions, relaxation and visualisation techniques.  Strengthen your body and your mind to help you on your baby’s birthing day.  

A wonderful opportunity for you and your birthing partner to learn together all the things covered in class and more including massage techniques and handy tips to help the woman feel supported during the birth of your baby.
Date: Saturday 24 November
Time: 1:30-4:40pm
Venue: Silver Road Baptist Church hall
Cost: £35 per couple including all handouts and refreshments.

Suitable from 6 weeks and after your postnatal check.  Learn songs and rhymes to gentle Yoga moves for both you and your baby. Helps improve baby’s sleep and eating patterns, improves muscle strength and co-ordination.  Get the opportunity to have a well deserved relax at the end of the class. Rest, relax restore, have fun with your baby and get fit too.
Cost £42 for 6 weeks including all equipment and refreshments
Next course commences Thursday 29 November
Time: 1:30-2:45pm
Venue: Silver Road Baptist Church

For babies 9 months +.  Get more active with your baby as your baby starts to get more active too.  We learn new songs using scarves, balls and noisy toys with fun Yoga moves integrated too.  Also includes a relaxation at the end of the class
Cost £42 for 6 weeks including all equipment and refreshments
Venue: Silver Road Baptist Church
Please register your interest to enable Jessica to plan for the next course.

Give a family member or friend the gift of Yoga for Christmas.  Vouchers available for all Yoga classes.  Contact Jessica to arrange your personally made gift card.

Keep warm and well, Why not try and Ayurvedic breakfast of Lemon, ginger and honey drink with a warm bowl of porridge and cinnamon. For a comprehensive Ayurvedic recepie click here 

Until next time I see you on the mat try a walk in the woods, appreciate the beautiful golden colours of autumn and a good jump skip and hop in the leaves and remember combat the dark nights and let your inner light shine brightly.

Hari Om

Much love Jessica xxx


September 2012

It is so lovely to be back after the summer break.  Autumn is definitely on its way with the morning and evenings becoming cooler but oh how lovely the days have been.

It has been such a joy to get back on the mat and share in the joy of Yoga with both new and familiar faces.  I have seen a few students return to the mat after some time away and how lovely to hear a common thread of “I have come back to class and it has been so lovely.  I have been asking myself why was I away for so long?”  

I came across this quote today and thought it so apt

“ Every class is a good class.  The worst class is the one you dont come to”

Yoga brings so many people from all abilities and all walks of life so much Joy.  It helps make you feel wonderful.  I really miss it and notice the difference in my self, my attitude and my physical body if I do not take the time out for myself and my practice.  I hear the same story from so many of you.  So why is it that sometimes we take so long to get back on the mat?  Life gets in the way.  We are so busy, our lives tend to be a constant juggle of activities and deadlines.  How funny is it then that when we make time for ourselves, when we are finally able to get on the mat, that things seem to flow better in our lives.  Yoga gives us head space, life just seems to flow easier.

“Yoga is more than just exercise... When I am on my mat, I remember to just be.”

It is so important to your wellbeing to take time out for yourself and it truly has a knock on affect to every element of your life.  As I mentioned before life just seems to flow.  Yoga for me helps me to put life’s chaos into perspective.  Become the person I want to be, happier, more patient and understanding.  Yoga helps me see the Joy in life surrounding me, helping me to focus on the positive of life, rather than focusing on what is missing.  We all should practice that.
This week with it being my little girls 3rd birthday I have really been thinking about the Joy that she has brought me since entering this world.  Children are so innocent and do not carry around the baggage that we as adults tend to.  It is so easy to love children unconditionally.  The challenge in life is cultivating that feeling for others around us especially those that we have most difficulty with.  We have been focusing on opening the heart chakra, the centre of where we both give and receive love.  We have been practicing cultivating love in our heart and sending it to those in our lives, those that we find it easy to love, friends partners etc.  Those that we are indifferent to, the person sitting next to you in class, the person you passed in the street, the postman etc, and then the biggest challenge of all to those that we have difficulty with.

Life is easier when we do not hold on to negative emotions that eat us up from our core.  Learn to let go, learn to experience Joy.  The hardest thing about your Yoga Practice is getting on the mat!  Make your intention now, i’d love to see you, you know you are always welcome! Xxxx

Inner Space, Maude Grey court (off St Benedicts) 7:30pm

Catton Church Hall, Blacksmiths Way, Old Catton 9:30am

Pregnancy Yoga
The next Pregnancy Yoga course commences 6:30pm  17 October
Learn how to have a gentle birth experience with breathing techniques, relaxation and visualisation techniques plus birthing positions. Stretch your pregnancy aches away, help insomnia and a great way to meet new mums to be. £50 for a six week course includes all equipment and refreshments
Contact Jessica@blissyoganorwich to book your space.

Baby Yoga
The next course commences 1:30pm 18 October
Learn Songs and rhymes to gentle Yoga moves. Aids sleep, digestion co-ordination and much more.  £42 for a six week course, includes all equipment, handouts and refreshments
Contact Jessica@blissyoganorwich to book your space.

Active Baby Yoga
The next course commences 1:30pm 18 October
Be more active with your baby.  Lots of new songs and Yoga moves for both you and your Active Baby.  £42 for a six week course includes all equipment, balls, scarves, noisy toys etc. handouts and refreshments
Contact Jessica@blissyoganorwich to book your space.

Birth Preparation workshop
For you and your birthing partner to learn breathing techniques, birthing positions, relaxation and massage techniques.  Plus loads of handy information to help you on your baby's birthing day.

When:  Saturday 27 October 1:30-4:30pm
Where: Baptist Church Hall Silver Road
Cost: £35 per couple 
Contact for further information and reservations.

Last but not least a BIG thank you to those that came along to the Forum and/or donated money for the Yoga Aid challenge.  The wonderful Yoga community within Norwich has managed to raise a massive £590 for several well deserving charities around the world.  For more information you can check out Yoga Aid


Bliss Yoga Norwich Summer Newsletter

Dear Friends and Yogi’s

The summer holidays and the Olympics are here!  I am especially enjoying the gymnastics. For most we are experiencing new routines with the children being out of school, imagination is running wild with new adventures to be had.  Enjoy the sun, when it peeks out from behind the clouds.  Norfolk is such a beautiful place to live.  Woodland, broads, coast all within half an hour of the city centre.   Why not check out for inspiration and ideas.

Thank you to all of you that attended the Yoga Nidra Workshop on Saturday.  I really enjoyed teaching the workshop and seeing my different groups come together  Feedback has been most encouraging and there is interest to attend another Yoga Nidra workshop or similar in the future so watch this space for future workshops and events. 

I am always happy to hear feedback so if there is a particular area or subject that interests you please let me know.

Most classes have now finished for the Summer. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your dedication and commitment to your practice.  It is so wonderful for me to see even subtle changes to each and every one of you. Looking stronger in poses, bringing softness to your face during meditation being more receptive and experimenting more with your individual posture, listening to your body, even being able to move your toes for the first time.  If you attend Pregnancy Yoga it is so wonderful for me to see you connect with your baby growing inside you or hearing about your gentle birth experience.  If you attend Baby Yoga I may get to see your baby roll or laugh for the first time.   It is so rewarding for me and I thank you for being a part of my community.

Will you miss Yoga during the holidays?  Bliss Yoga Norwich is teaching Yoga and Baby Yoga at the Harlequin Fayre 10-12 August.  Visit for more information. It would be lovely to see you there.

Classes return 03 September.

- Inner Space, off St Benedicts  19:30hrs

-          Catton, Blacksmiths Way 09:30hrs
-          Pregnancy Yoga, Silver Road 18:15 &19:45hrs

-Baby Yoga, Silver Road 13:30hrs
- NEW! Active Baby Yoga, silver Road 15:00hrs

Exciting news.  Starting 06 September 3pm

For babies from around 9 months until approx 18 months.  This is for babies that are sitting, crawling or walking. Get more active as your baby does.  This course follows on from Bliss Baby Yoga although no experience is necessary. Mums , dads or carers welcome.

Learn songs and nursery rhymes to yoga moves that you can take home and play with.  Meet new people. Bond with your child.  Yoga helps co-ordination, build confidence and strength, helps sleep. Enjoy a relaxation at the end of the class.  Have fun with your baby and get fit too. 
INTRODUCTORY OFFER!! Join Bliss Yoga in celebrating the start of a new adventure, a six week course only £35 – usual price £42 including all equipment, mats, balls, scarves, musical instruments, handouts and refreshments.

Contact for further details and reservations.


On Sept 2nd I am taking part in a 2hr Yoga Aid World Challenge to raise money for an Orphanage in the Himalayas. 2hours non-stop yoga posture practice in a variety of yoga styles by teachers from across Norfolk.
Manjushree Vidyapith Orphanage is set in the Himalayas almost 11,000 feet above sea level, in a village called Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh, India.
Manjushree is home to 150 children of Monpa ethnicity (Buddhist with a close cultural and spiritual relationship to Tibet). These children study, play, grow vegetables, learn yoga and look after each other all in this place. Over the past five years, Yoga Aid has had a close relationship with Manjushree and this year a new dormitory, funded through Yoga Aid Challenges as well as through the Foundation will finally be completed! This dormitory will provide extra living space for 80 children, as well as study space for the older residents.

There are two things you can do to help.

1) Sponsor my efforts here
2) Come and join in and get yourself sponsored here

Happy holidays
Much love xx