It is so lovely to be back after the
summer break. Autumn is definitely on
its way with the morning and evenings becoming cooler but oh how lovely the
days have been.
It has been such a joy to get back on
the mat and share in the joy of Yoga with both new and familiar faces. I have seen a few students return to the mat
after some time away and how lovely to hear a common thread of “I have come
back to class and it has been so lovely.
I have been asking myself why was I away for so long?”
I came across this quote today and
thought it so apt
“ Every class is a good class. The worst class is the one you dont come to”
Yoga brings so many people from all
abilities and all walks of life so much Joy.
It helps make you feel wonderful.
I really miss it and notice the difference in my self, my attitude and
my physical body if I do not take the time out for myself and my practice. I hear the same story from so many of you. So why is it that sometimes we take so long to
get back on the mat? Life gets in the
way. We are so busy, our lives tend to
be a constant juggle of activities and deadlines. How funny is it then that when we make time
for ourselves, when we are finally able to get on the mat, that things seem to
flow better in our lives. Yoga gives us
head space, life just seems to flow easier.
“Yoga is more than just exercise...
When I am on my mat, I remember to just be.”
It is so important to your wellbeing
to take time out for yourself and it truly has a knock on affect to every
element of your life. As I mentioned
before life just seems to flow. Yoga for
me helps me to put life’s chaos into perspective. Become the person I want to be, happier, more
patient and understanding. Yoga helps me
see the Joy in life surrounding me, helping me to focus on the positive of
life, rather than focusing on what is missing.
We all should practice that.
This week with it being my little
girls 3rd birthday I have really been thinking about the Joy that
she has brought me since entering this world.
Children are so innocent and do not carry around the baggage that we as
adults tend to. It is so easy to love
children unconditionally. The challenge
in life is cultivating that feeling for others around us especially those that
we have most difficulty with. We have
been focusing on opening the heart chakra, the centre of where we both give and
receive love. We have been practicing
cultivating love in our heart and sending it to those in our lives, those that
we find it easy to love, friends partners etc.
Those that we are indifferent to, the person sitting next to you in
class, the person you passed in the street, the postman etc, and then the
biggest challenge of all to those that we have difficulty with.
Life is easier when we do not hold on
to negative emotions that eat us up from our core. Learn to let go, learn to experience
Joy. The hardest thing about your Yoga
Practice is getting on the mat! Make
your intention now, i’d love to see you, you know you are always welcome! Xxxx
Inner Space, Maude Grey court (off St
Benedicts) 7:30pm
Catton Church Hall, Blacksmiths Way,
Old Catton 9:30am
Pregnancy Yoga
The next Pregnancy Yoga course
commences 6:30pm 17 October
Learn how to have a gentle birth experience with breathing techniques,
relaxation and visualisation techniques plus birthing positions. Stretch your
pregnancy aches away, help insomnia and a great way to meet new mums to be. £50
for a six week course includes all equipment and
Contact Jessica@blissyoganorwich to
book your space.
Baby Yoga
The next course commences 1:30pm 18
Learn Songs and rhymes to gentle Yoga
moves. Aids sleep, digestion co-ordination and much more. £42 for a six week course, includes all
equipment, handouts and refreshments
Contact Jessica@blissyoganorwich to
book your space.
Active Baby Yoga
The next course commences 1:30pm 18
Be more active with your baby. Lots of new songs and Yoga moves for both you
and your Active Baby. £42 for a six week
course includes all equipment, balls, scarves, noisy toys etc. handouts and
Contact Jessica@blissyoganorwich to
book your space.
Birth Preparation workshop
For you and your birthing partner to learn
breathing techniques, birthing positions, relaxation and massage
techniques. Plus loads of handy information to help you on your baby's
birthing day.
When: Saturday 27 October 1:30-4:30pm
Where: Baptist Church Hall Silver Road
Cost: £35 per couple
Contact for further
information and reservations.
Last but not least a BIG thank you to those that came
along to the Forum and/or donated money for the Yoga Aid challenge. The wonderful Yoga community within Norwich has
managed to raise a massive £590 for several well deserving charities around the
world. For more information you can
check out Yoga Aid