
Bliss Yoga Norwich February Newsletter

I had my newsletter pretty ready to go and then events took over and it became clear to me that I needed to share what I have been reminded of over the last few days.

As most of you are aware my mother in law passed away.    Death can be a challenging time for all of us.  Perhaps it makes us aware of our own temporary nature.  Death is often a taboo subject in our Western culture.  It is however a certainty and something we should all take time to be aware of rather than the superhero attitude of being indestructible or burying our heads in the sand “it will never happen to me”.  

“Death is the ultimate statistic – one out of one of us dies” George Bernard Shaw

Ultimately all Yoga techniques are designed to help release us from human suffering and one of the paths of suffering is Fear of death and maybe for some in particular our own death. Hatha Yoga (physical practice, asanas) helps keeps our body clean and healthy so that it lasts longer.  It can also help us to refine our awareness so that we realise that when our outer covering dies our Essence endures

“The body is just a rented house”  Pattabi Jois 

It is so easy to become attached to our Physical self.  Yes we do have a body but we are also consciousness.  Yoga helps us face our fear of death.  Everything that we perceive through our mind our senses and every aspect of our daily lives including our physical body is impermanent.  All things must pass not just living things but experiences also. Yoga helps us be aware of the miracle and beauty of life and love—here and now.

Practicing Yoga teaches us to know our real nature, letting go of our obsession of individuality.  Yoga teaches us that we are more than our personality, we are more than our ego and we are more than our possessions.

When we practice Yoga our busy mind settles, the fluctuations of our consciousness cease and we experience our soul or our Essence.  If you are fortunate enough to experience this then you are able to realise that this awareness is unconditional and eternal.

I do not believe that this is a morbid topic but one of enlightenment, that it allows us to discover and have a deeper understanding of our Self. 

‘Death is ever present, all around us—plants, insects, and living things of all kinds, even stars and galaxies, are always dying and being born. Meditation on endings can open our hearts and fill us with love and compassion and teach us about letting go.’

Ultimately whatever your belief is it is good practice to live life fully and completely and infuse each day with passion and purpose! Xxx

Catton classes are currently being held at Hayman Lodge in Catton Park.  This is for a trial period up to and including February 19th where we will then make the decision to continue classes at Hayman Lodge or return to St Margarets church hall.

A little more about Hayman Lodge... It is a new timber clad building insulated with recycled newspaper. Each apex is double glazed glass allowing for sneaky peaks of the sky, the trees swaying in the breeze and the clouds drifting by. The front of the building has bi-fold doors allowing for panoramic views across the park and can open fully in the warmer weather. Hayman lodge is easily accessible from Oak Lane and is sited wholly within the dog free ‘picnic’ area in the park

When: Wednesday 9:30-11am, please bring a mat and a warm blanket for the relaxation at the end.

Baby Yoga
The next Baby Yoga course commences 20 February at the newly decorated sea scout hall on Mousehold Avenue. This course is for non crawlers approx 2-9 months. Learn gentle Yoga moves to songs and rhymes. Helps baby’s brain development, sleep and feeding patterns, aids digestion coordination and so much more.  Have fun with your baby and get fit too.  Contact for further information and reservations.

When: Thursday 11am-12noon.

Active Baby Yoga
The next Active Baby Yoga course commences 20 February at the newly decorated sea scout hall on Mousehold Avenue. This course is for crawlers, approx 9-18 months. Join myself and my baby Jai. Jai is certainly moving around now and getting himself into all sorts of mischief.  Take this opportunity to be more active with your little one with balls, blocks and noisy toys, learning songs and rhymes to actions and yoga moves. 
Contact for further information and reservations.

When: Thursday 10-11am

Yoga for grown ups!  Easing into the new year, move your body, strengthen and stretch, extend your breath, learn to relax. Class suitable for all levels, beginners welcome.

When: Monday 7:30-8:45pm

Love, live, laugh xxx

Om shanti, shanti, shanti