

We have entered the darker half of the year now, summers end, or Samhain. Traditionally celebrating the last harvest of the year. As the days grow shorter people can become light deprived, experience Seasonal Affect Disorder (SAD) and may feel depressed and lethargic. Asana the physical aspect of yoga can help by increasing your endorphins, balancing your brain chemistry (your endocrine system) in particular fish pose (Matsyasana ) shoulder stand (Salamba Sarvangasana) and spinal twists are beneficial. Increasing your inner fire (tejas) by practising heating postures such as chair (Utkatasana ) or heating breathing techniques such as kapalabhati are also helpful.

It is also very important to tap into our inner light or glow (Jyoti). As plants tap into their inner resources during the dark hours we too can do the same.

Jyoti occurs when the brain is in a relaxation similar to that of sleep, yet the person remains awake. Holding the attention to the midbrain (Ajna Chakra) stimulates this inner light. Science acknowledges that there is an optical radiance that takes place in the mid brain during a state of deep relaxation.

Practicing five minutes of Jyoti where you experience the light internally, has a far longer reaching effect than the external stimulation of sun lamps.

This exercise only takes a few moments each day and helps recharge your batteries by using your inner light.

Sit in easy pose cross legged (Sukhasana) with your spine long, eyes gently closed. Count backwards from ten to zero, tapping the center of the forehead(ajna). Between each tap, pause for 2 seconds , feeling your consciousness move to that point in the center. When you reach zero rest your hands on your thighs or knees. Keeping your eyes closed use the mantra "Aim" (ah-eem) to relax and clear thought, allowing the light to remain in the mid brain region (pineal gland that controls your endocrine system) for five minutes. When finished, rub your palms together to create heat and move the energy down chakra by chakra to reground. Practice this every day in the late afternoon. Jyoti exercise provided by Alan Finger.

On a personal level I would like to thank all those that sent their good wishes to both Aylah and myself. I am enjoying being a mum (Eeek!! Mum, that does sound strange) Aylah and I are learning about one another and each day brings joy and new wonder. I have attached a photo of Aylah dressed in her little pumpkin Halloween costume and a photo of us both with my Old Catton Yoga group (hello guys!).

I am starting to organise which classes I will be teaching in the new year so please bear with me. However, I know that I will be returning to Inner Space Monday 11 January 7:30pm and look forward to seeing you there. I will send further information on classes shortly.

Much love to you all.

Om Shanti


May 2009 Newsletter

Is Yoga your weekly treat or a way of life?

When I first started to practice yoga I could not wait for my weekly sessions. It was a refreshing change to the office environment that I worked in at the time. It helped break up my day and made me feel that there was more to my life than work, eat, sleep. It made me feel wonderful and I soon started more than one class a week.

Hatha Yoga is the physical form of classical yoga. This yoga emphasises methods of doing yoga poses (asana) and breathing exercises (pranayama) for physical health and well-being. It is a practical science that unites body, mind, breath and spirit to create balance and well-being. Hatha Yoga consists of held and moving postures, combined with tuning in to the breath. The alignment of the muscular and skeletal structures is an important focus of the asanas.

I soon started to feel both the physical and mental benefits of yoga. Some of the benefits of a regular practise are:

Builds strength, stamina and endurance
Improves balance, coordination and posture
Improves muscle tone and flexibility
Strengthens the immune system
Improves memory and concentration
Calms the mind, reduces tension and releases stress

Regular practice will help you control your emotions and thus lead a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

There are many different types of Yoga including

Karma yoga - in its simplest form, the action as well as the result of the action. Doing a task and not expecting any reward. Selfless service or the Yoga of Action.

Bhakti Yoga - the Yoga of Devotion. Usually shown by decorating an image with flowers, candles; Singing and prayer or mantra. It is said that Bhakti softens the heart and removes jealousy, hatred, lust, anger, egoism, pride and arrogance. It infuses joy, divine ecstasy, bliss, peace and knowledge. All cares, worries and anxieties, fears, mental torments and tribulations entirely vanish.

Raja Yoga - of which Asana is a part of. Yoga of the Eight Limbs. Which I will talk more about next newsletter.

Jnana yoga - Jnana is sanskrit for knowledge. Properly understanding the body and the soul.

It doesn't matter whether yoga is your weekly treat, perhaps an escape from the kids. Time for yourself. Perhaps a way to de-stress; a break from work at lunchtime or maybe for you just a physical work out. Maybe all of the above :0) It really doesn't matter, the point is that you practice yoga in whatever form you choose. What I do know is that the benefits are many an obviously the more you practice the greater the effect. Happy practicing.


As of June 1 the class price will be £7 drop in. £35 for a 6 class pass - thats buy 5 classes and get one for FREE!!

Tuesday 26 May is the last Tuesday lunchtime class at The Complimentary Health Care Clinic. If you fancy a lunch time yoga class you can still come on Wednesday 12:30-1:30.

March 2009 Newsletter

The snowdrops are in full bloom and so are the crocus'. The cheeky daffodils are peeking through so it won't be long before they are in full bloom too. Do you feel that Spring is here? Well, it is certainly on its way and we have had some lovely sunny days. I even ate my lunch on my patio yesterday and soaked up the warm rays of the sun. Spring is definitely a time for optimism. We are leaving behind the grey days (mostly) and looking forward to picnics in the park and barbeque's.

The end of the month brings the Spring equinox (equal night) so we can look forward to longer days to come. Now is the time of newness and growth and as nature starts to sprout the seeds that have been gestating over the winter months perhaps it is time to think about what you want to sprout in your life and start to take action towards that now.

As the seasons change, so does life. Things do not stand still for long. I have been gently reminded of this recently after being extremely settled although not being in Norwich for long I have been asked to move house (nothing sinister, the house owners are returning from overseas). My initial reaction was shock then anger at the inconvenience and extra cost that I am about to incur. But what can I do? This is only upsetting myself and does not resolve the situation. So, the solution. Embrace change, something that a lot of us find difficult to do as we like to wrap ourselves in cotton wool and be protected by our bubble. This change of attitude has been wonderful. Now I see the change as exciting adventure that I am about to embark on and something positive. So I pose you the question, should you have a little moan that things sometimes don't happen the way you want them to or embrace the change? Whatever the situation, be it big or small, try and change your perspective and see see how that changes your life.

From March 26 I am starting a pregnancy yoga class
Where: St Mary Magdalen Church Hall, Silver Street
When: 7:00-8:15pm
Cost £42 for 6 classes
You may not be pregnant yourself, but please forward to anyone that you know is pregnant. Pregnancy yoga is hugely beneficial for both the mother and baby during pregnancy and birth.
** Numbers are limited so please call to book

I am also running a trial of 4 baby yoga classes. These classes are for babies from 6 weeks up until crawling age (approx 9 months). Classes include Yoga moves for babies and can assist in colic and help sleep; songs and postnatal yoga moves for mum. They are also a great way to meet other mums (or dads) and share experiences.
Where: St Mary Magdalen Church Hall, Silver Street
When: 11:00-12:30 (Including tea break)
Cost INTRODUCTORY OFFER :£25 for 4 classes
**Numbers are limited so please call to book

Contact Jessica
Mob: 07502 303 546

Current Class Schedule


February 2009 Newsletter

Hello Everyone

February, how exciting! The bulbs in my garden have started to peak through the soil just to tantilise me and let me know that spring is just around the corner. However snow is forecast and siberian winds are on their way, I am sure we are in for a bit of chilly weather before that happens though. Snow brings its own beauty though, appreciate that.

Last month I briefly spoke about Yoga being the art of being in the present. This month I would like to expand on that and talk about how we might achieve that.

How many times do you drive to work and wonder how you got there, not totally remembering your journey or have uttered the words "Sorry I was miles away"?. We spend so much time mulling about things that have happened in the past or worrying about the future that time literally slips by. We are so busy multi tasking that we are never actually fully aware of what we are doing. It makes sense that we just take time to do one thing at a time and be fully aware of the task in hand. So if you are driving to work, try turning off the radio. Listen to the sounds, notice your journey, try a different route and notice things along the way, feel the steering wheel in your hands.

Why negatively impact your wellbeing by physically doing one thing while your mind is doing another? No wonder we can feel exhausted all the time if you are constantly absent minded and ahead of yourself.

Next time you cook a meal focus of what you are doing, concentrate on peeling then slicing the carrot, notice the texture, colour and smell. You will be surprised at how much tastier your meal will be, and how much joy you can achieve from even the smallest of tasks. As you walk around your office notice how the sun shines in the window at different times of the day. I guess it boils down to the difference between living and existing.

So, in short take time to appreciate the little things.
Focus on one thing at a time and really notice what it is that you are doing.
Instead of one activity merging into the other take just a couple of seconds between each one to breathe and collect yourself.

Above all there is no point in worrying about things that have past and it is crazy to worry about things that may happen in the future. There is no point in worrying about things that you can do nothing about. Just take each moment as it happens.

I look forward to seeing you in class soon.

Monday 7:30-8:45 Inner Space
Tuesday 12:30-1:30 The Complementary Health Care Clinic
Wednesday 9:30-11:00 Old Catton Church Hall
Wednesday 12:30-1:30 The Complementary Health Care Clinic
Thursday 5:00-6:00 The Complementary Health Care Clinic

There are no classes 16th-19th February Inclusive (this includes UEA classes).

January 2009 Newsletter


I hope you all feel refreshed and rested after the Christmas break. Rejoicing with friends and family, sharing laughter and love.

The start of a new year, a time for setting your intentions for the year to come. Your new years resolutions…. Coming to yoga class at least once a week – right? :0) Well, coming to a regular class can be a start to healthier, happier and more balanced you. Don’t worry if you have not been for a while, 2009 is a new year, a new start. If you introduce a friend during the month of January, you can get your class for FREE!!!

The art of yoga is to ‘BE HERE NOW’. To be in the moment, take time to pause and literally smell the roses. Well not this time of year perhaps but take the time to breathe, look at the sky, notice the changes in nature around you….smile. Showing love and affection to friends and family and taking time to appreciate what you have and who you are. I believe the first step is to be happy with what you are right now. To be honest 2009 can bring whatever you want it to bring, set your intentions and keep the momentum going. I keep hearing on the radio 2009 is going to be a bleak year, well it will be if you have that state of mind!! I believe 2009 will be a year of change and of new hope for the world.


Classes for 2009 start on Wednesday 7th January, the first being at Old Catton Church Hall 9:30am then our exciting new venue at 34 Exchange Street at 12:30pm. University classes do not commence until 20th January, I hope Santa brought you all that you wished for especially to all you students that had yoga mats on you Christmas list :0). For my full schedule click here.

Saturday 10 January

10:30am-12:00pm 113-119 Ber Street (Rapid Defense) Come to my first Saturday class of 2009.

Drop in class cost remains the same at £6.50. If you buy 5 classes you now get one class FREE, the 6 class pass is £32 and is valid for all locations.

I would like to pass on a mantra from one of my teachers. A mantra is a sound vibration. This mantra is using Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language. The different words are sounds that resonate with our being. This mantra helps root our goals into the unconscious part of our being where they can then manifest into realities. Sit in a meditative position and mentally picture your intentions. You than then mentally repeat this mantra “Om Trum Atma” (“Ohm Troom Aht-mah”)

May 2009 bring you much joy and peace.

I look forward to seeing you soon.
