The snowdrops are in full bloom and so are the crocus'. The cheeky daffodils are peeking through so it won't be long before they are in full bloom too. Do you feel that Spring is here? Well, it is certainly on its way and we have had some lovely sunny days. I even ate my lunch on my patio yesterday and soaked up the warm rays of the sun. Spring is definitely a time for optimism. We are leaving behind the grey days (mostly) and looking forward to picnics in the park and barbeque's.
The end of the month brings the Spring equinox (equal night) so we can look forward to longer days to come. Now is the time of newness and growth and as nature starts to sprout the seeds that have been gestating over the winter months perhaps it is time to think about what you want to sprout in your life and start to take action towards that now.
As the seasons change, so does life. Things do not stand still for long. I have been gently reminded of this recently after being extremely settled although not being in Norwich for long I have been asked to move house (nothing sinister, the house owners are returning from overseas). My initial reaction was shock then anger at the inconvenience and extra cost that I am about to incur. But what can I do? This is only upsetting myself and does not resolve the situation. So, the solution. Embrace change, something that a lot of us find difficult to do as we like to wrap ourselves in cotton wool and be protected by our bubble. This change of attitude has been wonderful. Now I see the change as exciting adventure that I am about to embark on and something positive. So I pose you the question, should you have a little moan that things sometimes don't happen the way you want them to or embrace the change? Whatever the situation, be it big or small, try and change your perspective and see see how that changes your life.
From March 26 I am starting a pregnancy yoga class
Where: St Mary Magdalen Church Hall, Silver Street
When: 7:00-8:15pm
Cost £42 for 6 classes
You may not be pregnant yourself, but please forward to anyone that you know is pregnant. Pregnancy yoga is hugely beneficial for both the mother and baby during pregnancy and birth.
** Numbers are limited so please call to book
I am also running a trial of 4 baby yoga classes. These classes are for babies from 6 weeks up until crawling age (approx 9 months). Classes include Yoga moves for babies and can assist in colic and help sleep; songs and postnatal yoga moves for mum. They are also a great way to meet other mums (or dads) and share experiences.
Where: St Mary Magdalen Church Hall, Silver Street
When: 11:00-12:30 (Including tea break)
Cost INTRODUCTORY OFFER :£25 for 4 classes
**Numbers are limited so please call to book
Contact Jessica
Mob: 07502 303 546
Current Class Schedule
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