
Newsletter July 2010

Hello All

I hope you are enjoying the wonderful warm weather, long sunny days and light evenings. Summer is here :0)

Bliss Yoga will be taking a break this summer. Due to the halls having other commitments the last class varies. Please see below for the details of the last classes.

The last baby yoga class is Monday 19 July
The last Inner Space Class is Monday 19 July
The last Old Catton class is Wednesday 21 July
The last pregnancy yoga class is Wednesday 04 August

All classes will resume the week commencing Monday September 06.

If you are interested in the baby yoga course starting Monday September 6, 10am please email me your details and I will reserve you a space. Baby yoga includes yoga moves for babies that can help relieve colic and help improve digestion and sleep. Yoga moves for mums to help you reconnect back with your body and your breath. It is also a great way to meet new mums, share experiences and bond with your baby.

Pregnancy yoga starts Wednesday September 08. If you have not reserved your space yet please let me know as soon as you can as the course is filling up quickly.

Old Catton and Inner Space are drop-in classes so no need to book.

Remember world healing day is Sunday July 11th.

Join studios and teachers from around the world in the "Global Yoga Peace and Healing Prayer" July 11, 2010 for the new moon eclipse.

Help spread the word to all yogis and yoginis, healers and bhaktis and anyone else whose passionate about global change

"What if..... all the yogis all over the world sent their healing prayers to mother earth for just one day...." Whether you are teaching a class, workshop or retreat or doing your own practice, on July 11th please take a few moments to visualize our beautiful earth healing. Let this prayer come from your heart... bring your focus to the things in your life that you know you can change and then use that faith to direct your intention to one of mother earth's biggest challenges, the gulf oil spill...

Science has proven that prayer works! So lets make this prayer POWERFUL and contribute to a global shift towards HEALING our Planet and our world HEART!

"Healing," Papa would tell me, "is not a science, but the intuitive art of wooing nature."-- W.H. Auden

ALSO don’t forget you can be kept up to date of all events by becoming a friend of Bliss Yoga Norwich on Facebook.

I do hope to see you before the summer break. If not have a super wonderful fun filled summer and see you in September.

NOTE: Apologies if you have received this Newsletter more than once. I am currently updating my mailing list so if you have not been to class for a while and would still like to receive the Newsletter please let me know and I will add you to the new mailing list compiled throughout July.

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