
Bliss Yoga Norwich Summer Newsletter

Hello friends and Yogi’s

Summer is here! What fabulous weather we have been having. Glorious sunny days. My garden has certainly been noticing the sun and my water butts are nearing empty. The blooms seem to have come and gone so early this year. Aylah has certainly been enjoying the warm weather as we have been able to have ‘splashy fun’ in the paddling pool.

I am so excited to be sharing Rachels Zinmans teachings with you this summer. I trained with Rachel in Byron Bay Australia when I lived there in 2006. I have invited Rachel to join us in Norwich and share with us ‘Yoga for the Seasons’

Yoga for the Seasons Workshop 22-24 July 2011

In Yoga and according to Ayurveda each season is influenced by a specific element. Summer is the heat of fire. Winter is the cool of earth and the movement of air predominantly influences Autumn and Spring. It’s important to be able to adjust your practice to the changing seasons and remain balanced throughout the year. In this workshop we will explore specific sequences for each season incorporating the science of ayurveda and specific Hatha Yoga and Tantric practices such as asana, pranayama, mudra, mantra and meditation.

It would be lovely to see you there please click here for further details

Asquith’s Organic and Bamboo exclusive 20% off – perfect for Summer

I recently purchased some clothing from Asquith’s clothing range and I absolutely love it and I am really happy to be able to share them with you.

Asquith offers the finest quality clothing, which is deliciously soft, Organic and ethically produced. For Yoga, Pilates or simply for living in...and they’re offering you an exclusive 20% off the Asquith range.

Classic, elegant and comfortable styles with a perfect, flattering fit made from softest Organic Cotton and Bamboo fabrics, Asquith London provides the perfect kit for summer Yoga and Pilates classes, travelling, holidays and retreats. Each garment is designed with both comfort and style in mind and is perfect for the hotter months!

Bamboo fabrics are not only kinder to the environment, they are also beautifully light and 'wick' moisture away from your skin so you can say goodbye to feeling clammy, and enjoy that Summer glow! And the organic cotton is super soft and breathable, and feels great next to your skin.

For your exclusive 20% off
the Asquith range simply visit and type
JESSICAM20 into the promotional code box when ordering. Offer available until July 31st
(Please note that the promotional code doesn’t work on sale items)

Home Hairdressing

My dear friend and Yogi has just started her home hairdressing business. Carrie has 15 years salon experience and the coveted Wella Master Colour Award. Carrie brings salon quality hairdressing to your home.

I have had the pleasure of a haircut, in my back garden no less, under the warm sun while our little girls played together in the garden. Whether you’re a busy mum or would just like the luxury of having a haircut at home please contact Carrie 0774 009 1749

Baby Yoga

The next Baby Yoga course commences 30 June 2011. This is a 5 week course due to summer holidays cost is £35. Learn songs and rhymes, gentle yoga moves for you and your baby. Rest, relax, restore, get fit and have fun with your baby. Please contact Jessica to reserve your space.

Summer Holidays

This year I am taking holiday 1-18th August. There will be no General Yoga or Baby Yoga classes during this time. However Kate my friend and fellow Pregnancy Yoga teacher is covering pregnancy classes on 3rd and 10th August.

Inner Space class resumes 22 August

Old Catton class resumes 24 August

Pregnancy Yoga course commences 24 August

Baby Yoga course commences 25 August

I look forward to seeing you soon.

Much love


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