
November Newsletter

Dearest friends and Yogis

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat.....

It’s that time of year again, the air is certainly becoming crisper and nearly all the leaves have fallen. Winter is very nearly upon us and I find that as the dark days draw in I need my Yoga practice more than ever to remind me that even though the days are dark I am shining brightly from within. At the darkest time of the year, it's important to take time to go quietly inward, to connect with our inner light, and then carry its spark into the world to share with others.

Patanjali writes

visoka va jyotismati
Or, the light within which is free from all suffering and sorrow. Yoga Sutra I.36

Jyoti is the light within, a great brightness or radiance in the heart, from which the true Self shines forth. No matter how far removed or disconnected you may feel from the light, and no matter what your circumstances, the spark of that light always lies within, free from grief, from pain, from sorrow. Even when you've forgotten about the light or doubt its existence, it's there—and remembering and reflecting on that can be can be a great source of support and comfort in difficult moments. It’s like the sun on cloudy days, although the day may seem grey and gloomy, the sun is shining brightly, high above the clouds.

Taking time to travel to that quiet place within you, you will find your own light and with it a sense of joy and clarity. When you connect with that light, you can cultivate it, bring it forth into your everyday life, and share it with the world around you.

Christmas gatherings

I was made aware that some of you would love to get together again this year for Christmas and was reminded earlier this week that if that was to be the case then I needed to get a wiggle on so that is exactly what I have done.

Old Catton Yogis

I have provisionally booked the Woodman again for our Christmas lunch. Christmas lunch will take place after the last class for the year on December 14 at 1pm. Last year we decided that we would order off the usual menu rather than the standard Christmas meal. Please check out and select the menus page to see both the Christmas menu and the normal menu. If you are interested in coming along please let me know and whether you would prefer to order from the Christmas menu or the normal one. Loved ones are welcome, including children as Aylah will be joining us.

Inner Space Yogis

As Inner Space classes are in the evening and finish reasonably late I thought it appropriate to have a Christmas Tea gathering at the Bicycle Shop on St Benedict after class on December 19. Please let me know if you are interested in coming along as I may need to reserve a room.

Pregnancy and Baby Yogis

Please let me know if you are interested in having a Christmas gathering this year.

Christmas Break:

Last Inner Space Class 19 December – returning 9 January 2012

Last Catton class 14 December – returning 11 January 2012

Pregnancy Yoga

Current course finishes 21 December – 2012 course commences 11 January

Baby Yoga

Classes 1,8,15 December & 11, 18, 25 January 2012

Stuff for Sale

I have an Annabel Karmel book – New and complete baby and toddler meal planner book for sale, nearly new. Only £4 A great resource of interesting and fun meals to feed your loved one. Also gives loads of advice and a great plan for introducing solids.

2 x New bamboo cloth washable Popolini nappies birth – potty and 2 x protective coverings. Worth nearly £40 selling for £20

Please let me know if you have any baby items for sale, I am always happy to share sale items in newsletters.

Continue to shine brightly

Much love


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