
Christmas 2011

Hello Everyone

Just a reminder of the details of Classes over the Christmas Break and Christmas gatherings before the end of year.

Christmas Break:

Last Inner Space Class 19 December – returning 9 January 2012

There are Christmas drinks at the Bicycle Shop after class on 19th – everyone welcome.

Last Catton class 14 December – returning 11 January 2012

Christmas Lunch at the Woodman 1pm on the 14th – Bookings only

Pregnancy Yoga

Current course finishes 21 December – 2012 course commences 11 January

Baby Yoga

Classes 1,8,15 December & 11, 18, 25 January 2012

Birth Preparation Workshop

15 January 1:30 - 4:30pm, St Mary Magdelane Church Hall, Silver Road (where Pregnancy Yoga is held)

I am running a birth preparation workshop on Sunday 15 January at Mary Magdalene Church Hall. This is for you and your birthing partner to help your partner feel more involved and useful during the birth,or of course you can come on your own. We will go over things learnt in class. We will discuss and learn breathing techniques, birthing positions, visualisation and relaxation techniques to help you on your babies birthing day. Cost: £35 per couple Time:1:30pm-4:30pm Venue: St Mary Magdalene Church Hall, Silver Road Please let me know if you are interested as soon as possible so I can reserve you a place.

Synerprotein Are feeling a little run down at the moment? I used an amazing drink during pregnancy and still use now so I thought I would share it with you all. The drink is called Synerprotein. It is a fabulous drink that is designed to give you a powerhouse of nutrition and energy providing a high quality non-genetically modified soya protein supplement which is dairy free, wheat free, yeast free, gluten free and virtually fat free. It is balanced protein supplement providing essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals, and a great vanilla flavor. It also provides 3g of fiber per serving. SynerProTein also contains the exclusive SynerPro Concentrate, which provides a rich and wholesome base of fruits and cruciferous vegetables with antioxidant benefits. This product is only available to healcare providers including Nutritionists, I can provide this for you for the cost of £15 for a massive 448g pot which lasts for ages. I found it amazing during pregnancy as it gives both you and your baby essential vitamins and minerals and it provides a slow release energy that stops you craving sweet stuff (and therefore filling yourself with empty calories and extra weight that should be avoided during pregnancy). Its also a quick filler if you're busy and miss (or perhaps cannot face due to morning sickness) a meal. It is amazing as a new mum as suddenly you find that you are so absorbed in your new little wonder that you have managed to forget lunch. It is so important that you look after yourself so that you can look after your baby and I found this really helped me to stay nourished. I still use it as I am always zooming around and have it in addition to breakfast and it really gives me the energy I need as a busy mum. Please let me know if you are interested and I will place an order for you.

Christmas Gift

Don’t forget you can buy a loved one the wonderful gift of Yoga for Christmas. A 6 class pass for general Yoga is £36. Please contact Jessica if you are interested, if you mention it is for a gift, each pass will come in a festive gift card.

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas. Have a wonderful time of rest and hibernation shared with loved ones. I look forward to seeing you all soon xxx

Om Shanti

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