
Bliss Yoga Norwich August Newsletter

Dear Friends and Yogis

The summer holidays have gone by in a flash.  My new baby boy has gone from being completely helpless to first finding eye contact, smiling, giggling then using his hands to hold, to wanting to sit upright all of the time.  This summer has been a special time for me and my new family and I thank you all for your love patience and understanding during this most amazing time in my life.

It has been super busy which has made my Yoga practice even more important.  Time to have a stretch and practice on my mat?  The opportunities have been few and far between.  I take the opportunity to  b r e a t h e  whenever I can.  This helps create space.  I have placed Yoga texts next to my favourite places to feed and I take this opportunity to snatch a brief moment to study (this is Raja Yoga).  Recently I have been re-reading Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and in particular the Yama’s and Niyamas. Ways in which we can lead our life. Yamas are restraints we can apply to our everyday. Ahimsa-Non-violence,  Satya –Truth and Asteya – Non stealing are what i have been working with recently. Ahimsa is non violence to yourself and others in thought word and deed.  Satya – Truth. Straight forward? Satya is saying the truth and keeping Ahimsa, non violence in mind.  Saying the truth in a way that does not hurt those around you.  And Asteya – non-stealing, easy enough if you are not into pick pocketing or sneaking that extra ‘shiny’ thing that you cant afford into your coat pocket.  It also means not stealing peoples time.  Do you notice in a group situation that you are the one doing all the talking.  Maybe you could take a step back?

Putting it into practice
Take one of the first three Yamas.  Perhaps sit for a moment and see how it sits, see how you feel about it and then how you can apply it to your life.  Fall at the first hurdle?  Do not worry.  Do not give yourself the guilts.  All you need to do is refocus and try again.  The intention I find is half the battle.  Try and then try again.  Once you feel that you have integrated your chosen Yama into your life, try choosing one of the other Yamas, again sit with it, see how it makes you feel and then apply it to your daily life.  Take one step at a time and then maybe you can apply more than one to your life.  I would love to hear how you get on.

How else have I found I can bring my practice into my everyday?  I practice baby Yoga with Jai daily, singing fun songs and nursery rhymes to gentle moves for him to help him expel pent up energy, regulate digestion and to have that wonderful bond.  This allows me to spend time with my little boy, having fun and sneaking in a little stretch for me too.  We chant, lots.  This is a great way for me to share my devotion with the Divine, something that all of us is part of.  It also seems to work a treat in soothing baby Jai.  In fact Aylah and I float around the house sharing in Kirtan (devotional singing), sharing our love for one another and everything as a whole(this is Bhakti Yoga).

We have spent a lot of time camping outdoors this summer.  The weather has been kind.  My practice instead of being on the mat has infused into my everyday, as it should, breathing, walking on the beach, being in the moment.  I even had fun kicking up into handstands on regular bimbles on the beach.  I take the opportunity wherever I can to be present.  

A dear friend of mine having two hip replacements, is unable to practice on the mat as she used to so she has taken up the practice of mindfulness meditation.  She also crochets the most amazing blankets that I have had the joy in receiving for my children.  Every stitch was taken with love, another form of Bhakti Yoga so you see your practice should and can evolve around your life, no matter what your situation and become part of your everyday.

The time has come for me to spread my devotion and return to classes. I am so looking forward to sharing with you all again. My maternity situation is complicated and for the time being allows for me to return one day a week.  I have chosen Wednesday so that I can return to 2 of my 5 classes.  Wednesday 9:30am Old Catton and 6:30pm Pregnancy Yoga on Silver Road.

For the time being Monday evening classes will continue to be covered by the lovely Anya at a SPECIAL PRICE of £6 per session.  I will definitely be returning to Innerspace in January (my intention is to return sooner however Anyas cover allows space for this to develop, and I am truly grateful for that.)

Baby Yoga and Active Baby Yoga classes will also return in January.  If your baby is 6weeks+ you can to reserve your Baby Yoga space now.  If your little person is 9 months(crawling) - 18months you can book your Active Baby Yoga space now.  Classes have been on a Thursday afternoon, note your interest as I am planning these sessions now, there may be scope to change times/days to suit the general consensus.

I have also met some wonderful people this summer that I am looking forward to introducing you to and sharing in the workshops that I have planned.  Watch this space!  

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